What’s on Erica Chan’s Mind: Motivation


Erica Chan first heard about Minds Matter SF because Zhi, a MMSF alumnus, now a student at Hamilton College, was the best friend of her sister. Today, Erica is glad she took the recommendation. As a high school Junior at Lowell High School, she’s is mastering Chemistry and Biology class, with the aspirations to become a pediatrician one day.

So What’s Been on Erica Chan’s Mind, Lately?   


Family, SATs, ACTs, and her internship at UCSF in Young Women’s Health all rank as top priorities  and things she’s chasing after. What else is on her mind? Amongst her litany, Erica mentions “City College”—a respectable community college in her hometown of San Francisco, but a place she hopes to surpass. Much like her older sister who is now a Freshman at UC Berkeley, Erica has set her horizons on a 4-year university.

What Are You Dreaming About Right Now?

First response? “Hawaii,” she said. It was the best vacation she’s ever been on—beautiful landscapes and great ice-cream, too. If she could do anything, without fear and restraint, she would travel the world. 

“I love science and love working with kids,” she said, “so it’s always felt like the right fit.”

What Brings You Inspiration?

“I love going on walks and observing people. I like noticing the small details about how people live, what makes them unique and what drives them. It often inspires me to get motivated,” said Erica.  

“I always appreciate the input my UCSF internship leader gives me. She’s really all about motivation and helping me figure out what I want and where I want to go,” said Erica. “I really like reading quotes I find on the internet, too. I like to share them with my friends, so we stay focused on our goals.”

Do You Have Any Recommendations?

“When I have the chance to relax and take a break from the pressures [of school work and extracurricular activities], I like to listen to music. Justin Bieber’s latest song “Sorry” is currently a favorite of mine.

In general, I also love getting good advice—Snapchat’s 17 Magazine stories are always fun to read. While some may say it’s just Snapchat, I still appreciate the tips and perspectives.”

At Minds Matter SF, Anthony Rodriguez and Quynh Vu are Erica Chan’s mentors. They are both twenty-something professionals living in San Francisco. Together, Erica, Anthony and Quynh focus on Chan’s college prep goals, as well as life’s trials and tribulations. They're a trio that’s gone rock climbing, bowling, and tried different cuisines throughout the city.

I love Minds Matter because I get the individual attention I’ve always been looking for. My mentors and tutors give me a lot of important information I would’ve never learned otherwise. Sure, there are college counselors at my school, but they aren’t as accessible as my mentors. Minds Matter has given me the tools and comradery I’ve been looking for throughout this journey to college.

Erica Chan, future pediatrician and world traveler, current MMSF mentee & Junior at Lowell High School


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